Product Brands vs Personal Brands... What's the Difference?

Product Brands vs Personal Brands... What's the Difference?

You keep hearing from influencers, podcasts, and friends that you need to do brand photos for the small business you just started. You are open to that idea so you hop online to do a little more research. Holy gee golly whilickers! Now you are more confused than ever! There are soooo many brand photographers and they use different terms to describe what you need. You leave your research more confused than ever and honestly, a little frozen after seeing all of the conflicting information. What do you need? Let’s clear the muddy waters a little bit!

What do you do at a Personal Brand Shoot?

What do you do at a Personal Brand Shoot?

When planning a shoot with a vegetarian food blogger, we included time choosing herbs at the local grocery store, photos at my kitchen table planning her week with one of her favorite drinks, food prep in a kitchen showing how she creates her recipes, photos of her setting a table and taking food photos herself for her blog, the trunk of her van as she “packed healthy snacks for her son’s soccer game,” and yoga in the woods to show how she liked to spend her free time.

The single most important thing you can do to level up your business

The single most important thing you can do to level up your business

Personal Branding Photos are images used to build a relationship with an audience, showcase the owner behind the business, a process and/or product, and create imagery that can be used to educate and market on social media, websites, etc. These photos are often created so that the business owner(s) will have beautiful and professional images ready to post at a moment’s notice, for planned events, and important seasonal announcements. Entrepreneurs have many different roles that they are trying to fill whether that be marketing, designing, editing, building, networking, arranging, financial planning, managing, and networking to name a few. Not many of them want to add “professional photographer” to the growing list of their long to-do list. By outsourcing this area, entrepreneurs can focus on their main calling and mission of performing a service with excellence or selling quality products to their audience. When a brand photographer knows how to strategically tell stories through brand images, the products sell more easily and business growth is exponential. In addition, people buy products and services from entrepreneurs that are known, relatable, and liked. When an entrepreneur is busy taking photos of their business, they are not IN the photos. People want to see the real, behind-the-scenes life of what it means to run a business and create products or perform expertise. It’s much more interesting to show the half eaten cinnamon roll and fluffy cat on your desk while editing on your computer than just rolling out the polished and perfect product after the fact. People crave experiences and being around people who are real. Those two things will connect with people faster than 100 images of a finished and perfect product.


My beautiful Liberian friend came to America (Marysville, Ohio) almost 11 years ago. Since that time, she has completed K-12 in 6 years, learned the English language (simultaneously), and has won the hearts of all of those around her. 

You may see her on Lady Brio senior shoots using her many talents. Kendal is a natural at modeling (but denies a future due to her teeny tiny size) ;) She is a makeup artist, and assists me with lighting. Kendal is also talented in fashion advice (note the bright orange color really helps her stand out from the background) and can also do hair. 

I thought it appropriate to give Kendal my first blog post :) She is so dedicated and hard-working. (And beautiful!)